Satisfaisant3 avis
  • ≤4h
    Temps de réponse moyen
  • 96.7%
    Taux de livraison dans les délais
  • US $420,000+
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7 photos
Type: other
États-Unis d’Amérique
This project is located in Florida, USA. It is a high-end villa project. We provided the owner with a suitable door plan based on the design of his house.
Avis sur l’entreprise (3)
3.8 /5
  • Fournisseur Service
  • Expédition ponctuelle
  • Produit Qualité
Quality is great. Isthar was so helpful through the whole purchase!!

    Réponse du fournisseur :

    Thanks for your support,my friend.It's a good beginning.I believe that we will have more cooperations in the near future.Hope we can win the next order soon
    11 Apr 2024
    Very disappointing on a service, communication, and quality of the production. it started with shipping taking 45 days longer then it should. Regarding to the door, the doors having huge gaps on the bottom and top of the door. The seals on the doors having gaps they don’t even touch the frame door. I did let the manufacturing company know about the issue and there response it is that’s how it supposed to be. From my understanding the doors supposed to be sealed up from anything coming in and air tight. at this point with those gaps mouse can come in with no issues and I’m having a cold air blowing in. The company stopped replying on concerns my concerns. this point the contractor state inspection cannot pass state due today the gaps and holes. now I having a customer who is disappointing and in the door Has to be replace and no response from factory or any solutions.
    Voir tous les avis
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